Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Just Me

Since last writing so much has happened! Another baby boy, a move to a new house, and another chocolate labrador!

My life is FAR from perfect but I can honestly say I love my life. We live in an awesome community (the boys and I can even walk to school!) and I have finally learned to just be me. I have worked really hard the past few years on not worrying about what others think and just do the best that I can do. I have found my true happiness and I wouldn't change a thing! 

I want to fill this blog with posts from my fitness and nutrition journey as well as the mom, wife, and teacher journey. 

God knows my fitness and nutrition journey has been rough. I was never the "skinny" girl and had no idea that if I played soccer or exercised that day, I still couldn't eat the entire bag of cheetos and a sandwich BEFORE dinner. I have worked hard to learn about food, nutrition, and discipline. I will honestly never go on a diet again, I just choose a healthy lifestyle and it works. Don't worry there is still room for cake and wine...but in moderation!

I look forward to sharing this journey and all the things I learn along the way with YOU!